Thursday, February 23, 2006

rapping on a casket

Knock knock
Mr. The Impaler?
Dracula? You there? You've been pretty quiet.
Listen, I've got a couple of things in the works that I'd like to get posted up here sooner than later... you want me to wait for you, or what?
I've been renovating in the Batcave here and can't seem to find the discs I'm looking for, but pretty soon I'll have some sweetness from the Cardigans ready to go and I'm thinking a Final Fantasy track for our American friends. Plus I was listening to my special Tuned-only-to-hot-shit-Batradio earlier this week and picked up some names I wanna track down. But I don't want to wait forever for you here, Vlad.

Oh, by the way, did you see what Jordan and Dan over at STG did the other day!?!? Did you?
That was our clever idea!

Mental note: must reinforce anti-mindreading-Batshield in Batcave to prevent clever ideas from being stolen before I do 'em.

No post yet. And unless anyone out there is volunteering to help me clean this Batmess, you'll just sit tight, aiight?

Monday, February 13, 2006

drool on my cowl

I'm all groggy and sleepy... I just woke up and my cowl was all twisted around my face so that my nose kind of stuck out of one of my eye-holes. Also, my cape was all tangled up around my arm. I dreamed that I was fighting this crazy sea-monster or eel or something. Even though I was kind of losing and there wasn't didn't seem to be any way to prevail that I was still managing to breathe and survive.

Even though I woke up kind of dejected and feeling inadequate - for some reason I feel really hopeful and strong today. I was thinking that I should go find the Joker and beat his ass or something.

Mostly I just want to lie around on the floor all afternoon thinking about my new favorite Spanish verb tense: future incredible. I find it much more beautiful but not half as poetic as my old favortie: historical compunctive.

For an example of the latter I would offer the following from George (not Burgess!) Meredith:

'Tis morning: but no morning can restore
What we have forfeited. I see no sin:
The wrong is mixed. In tragic life, God wot,
No villain need be! Passions spin the plot:
We are betrayed by what is false within.

Okay, don't take me too literally here. I'm just making a point. I mean, really, who could agree with a poem that suggests that there need be no villains!?! I might as well give the keys to the batmobile to Dracula (he's a horrible driver) and put the old utility belt on ebay.

For a gorgeous example of the former, I respectfully submit that:

>>>the band is The Magic Numbers, the track is Which Way to Happy?.

The Magic Numbers - Which Way to Happy?

Friday, February 10, 2006

comic book characters...

Kramer: Yeah, yeah, then all of a sudden, this guy pulls out a gun. Well, I knew any delay is gonna cost her her pinky toe, so I got out of the seat and I started walking towards him. He says, "Where do you think you're going, Cracker Jack?" I said, "Well, I got a little prize for ya, buddy - " (kramer throws two quick punches and a massive uppercut) - knocked him out cold!
George: How could you do that?!
Kramer: Then everybody is screamin,' because the driver, he's passed out from all the commotion...the bus is out of control! So, I grab him by the collar, I take him out of the seat, I get behind the wheel and now I'm drivin' the bus.
George: You're Batman.
Kramer: Yeah. Yeah, I am Batman. Then the mugger, he comes to, and he starts chokin' me! So I'm fightin' him off with one hand and I kept drivin' the bus with the other, y'know? Then I managed to open up the door, and I kicked him out the door with my foot, you know - at the next stop.
Jerry: You kept makin' all the stops?
Kramer: Well, people kept ringin' the bell!

really wanted to post that one time.

anyone out there know about chip kidd? one of the top book jacket designers out there. he should pretty much be a household name by now, at least in visual-conscious circles, that is. kidd, is basically your book jacket design superstar. i love his work. i recommend you go check it out. he also wrote a book about his experience in art school that is a true gem. it is called the cheese monkeys, and save for the very end, which is cheesily disappointing, it is a hilarious read.

anyhow why chip kidd? well he is a huge batman fan, and made a tribute book illustrating his fandom, he then made one for superman, wonder woman, and plastic man. it is this last with which we will concern ourselves today.

today's posting is by Pink Mountaintops, from their very good latest record Axis of Evol, which is a line in this track, actually. anyhow, plastic man, you just may very well be the devil.

>>>the band is Pink Mountaintops, the track is Plastic Man you're the Devil.

Pink_Mountaintops - Plastic_Man_youre_the_devil.mp3

it's YSI, so it may expire before any one of you, the horde, get to it.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

maybe i was batman.

that seemed pissy, your last post.
i can be batman.

oh, speaking of pissy, one thing that really pisses me off in mp3.blogs, is that many do not use intelligent filenames. in that for example, if one were to post the Rolling Stones track No Expectations, then it wouldn't be such a bad idea to organize it thusly:

the Rolling Stones - No Expectations

however, it is unbelievably annoying to have to copy and paste this when one does the ol' save as function, because all too often, the actual filename is something like expec.mp3 which doesn't tell us squat and is really just adding a new step into the equation. so i can safely say that we will at least make the cut and paste part easiest by writing the artist and track name, with the extension .mp3 in a smart fashion, and wherever possible, we will make the utmost effort to rename files and have them be named smartly such as

the_rolling_stones - no_expectations.mp3

that's really a great track, and maybe i'll post it.

i had initially thought of seeing your concretes and raising you a heikki, which is a concretes side project, but i have to say upon first listen, i wasn't especially blown away by any tracks.

i think i've settled on a track from Band of Horses.

I really like their last record. Funeral is an awesome track, you can get it on the site, really worth the detour. I decided on St. Augustine. hard to dislike such cheesy honesty as "i know your best is still your worst"

reminds me of other bands, but hey, that's okay, it's other bands i like.

i think i'll post the rolling stones track as well, soon.

>>> the band is Band of Horses, the track is St. Augustine.

Band_of_Horses - St_Augustine.mp3

it's YSI, so it may expire before any one of you, the crazy multitude, get to it.

or it may get modified by batman, or dracula, whoever the other is.