so i was late with this one.
life got in the way.
one of the reasons for having 2 or more of us here was to avoid these long spans of time between postings.
batman is sucking at this.
time to shine the light in his eyes instead of up.
anyhow, onto more sounds...
oh, by the way, they're planning on bombing the moon before mars. a bit of a different strategy involved. no copper balls, just the warfare from the "war"
read fiasco, in Iraq. Bunker busters is what they plan on using... I wonder if they'll be using the D.U. (depleted uranium) versions they did so casually in the land of babylon.
here's one version of the story, just google bomb moon, and you'll find others.
anyhow, after disaster and devastation,
i suppose we should deal with how to say farewell.
a good goodbye is important, to lovers, to enemies, to friends, one has to know how to part ways for a long or short span of time, or even forever.
i don't know if i was ever really good at goodbyes, sometimes resorting to an ineffective
see ya or
later or even sometimes a
take care. i don't know that these were particularly insightful, but perhaps they were the best option, because no one really wants to deal with a long, drawn out goodbye.
i suppose this could be tied into bands and their encores.
i was at a pink mountaintops show recently, where after a long, marathon-like set, that was really, really good, the crowd didn't really respond with applause enough to merit an encore. even the soundguy seemed taken aback, and tentatively brought in some music, after the awkwardness had gotten unbearable to him.
the band was disappointed, they told a friend of mine, L, after... and hey, i was disappointed too.
but it has now gotten me thinking about how this ties into the idea of a good goodbye. perhaps the crowd had silently decided it had had enough with long drawn out goodbyes, where we clamour for one last visit, one more hit, one more song, one more chance, one more time...
and the band seemed to want this, the long version.
some bands have given up on this...deeming it pretentious. some have even gone so far as to mock it somewhat.
the band
ok go could fall into this latter category. their encore has become somewhat legendary.
i must admit to having thoroughly enjoyed it.
you can view it
herethat's it, that's all they do, to that prerecorded soundtrack.
good goodbyes, (segway alert!!!) well, that happens to be the name of a band made up of members of the shins, amongst others, and their 4 song e.p. has been getting some heavy rotation here lately.
i chose to post one of the tracks from this e.p, track four to be exact.
the band is the
good goodbyes, the track is
sure and steady towards the coast and it talks about the money fever, amongst other things...
buy it exclusively,
>>>good_goodbyes-sure_and_steady_towards_the_coast.mp3i didn't post the instrumental track number 2,
good_goodbyes-fantastic_caverns_(part_2) though i really would have liked to. (heh.)
ah, the money-fever...
i was going to email these YSI links to my friend M, and my other friend, L, as i told her about the band too! but i suspect that i'll probably just send them here as per our firstly posted
raison d'ĂȘtre.