the undedders
Yes, shame on me. I know. I have neglected my duties here, to the vast multitude, and can therefore be partially laid to blame for the sporadic posting of my comrade in arms. When in a partnership and the other isn't pulling their weight it kinda makes things seem a little less enjoyable, more of a chore. This could be apt in relation to the time of year, both as the middle of many north americans' renting cycle for appartments/dwellings and roommates are common with all their wonderfulness and their drive you mental annoyances and also for the fact that there's this wash of reds and pinks and hues of both all over the place making sure to remind each and every one of you that being single is a shameful, shameful thing.
know this, Jean Paul Sartre probably said it best when he said:
"If you're lonely when you're alone, then you're in bad company."
That being said, and quoted here, one should not take it as necessarily being the pessimistic and further depression inducing saying that it could be taken to be, I would contend that one should read that last statement more in the light of one who, if the case may be, should happen to feel lonely, then to change the company one keeps. improve yourself/your self. This is the perfect time to renew your vows. I know you're single but your vows to yourself. those lies we often tell ourselves and sometimes, shamefully, others and label "resolutions". that by now have most certainly been forgotten or rationalized into being ignored or on temporary hiatus. This is much akin to the canadian ecological position with respect to many of its commitments.
at the very least you have to admire the states for one thing. They kept their word on this one. The Kyoto accord, that is. they said hell no, and did hell nothing.
now, back to the music.
isn't it the sole purpose of looking for new music to be able to say "I knew them back when..." insert platitude. There can be no greater accomplishment for a music aficionado.
Here's a little gem from the Tokyo Police Club tour EP. I don't know if this has been previously available in Blogdom, nor do I particularly care at this point. proper research would have taken the time I was willing to spend on this post, here at 5:23 am.
I hope you enjoy, I'll try and be more regular about this, sorry.
The band is Tokyo Police Club, the track is A Lesson in Crime (unreleased) from their Tour EP.
Tokyo_Police_Club - A Lesson in Crime(unreleased_TourEP)
know this, Jean Paul Sartre probably said it best when he said:
"If you're lonely when you're alone, then you're in bad company."
That being said, and quoted here, one should not take it as necessarily being the pessimistic and further depression inducing saying that it could be taken to be, I would contend that one should read that last statement more in the light of one who, if the case may be, should happen to feel lonely, then to change the company one keeps. improve yourself/your self. This is the perfect time to renew your vows. I know you're single but your vows to yourself. those lies we often tell ourselves and sometimes, shamefully, others and label "resolutions". that by now have most certainly been forgotten or rationalized into being ignored or on temporary hiatus. This is much akin to the canadian ecological position with respect to many of its commitments.
at the very least you have to admire the states for one thing. They kept their word on this one. The Kyoto accord, that is. they said hell no, and did hell nothing.
now, back to the music.
isn't it the sole purpose of looking for new music to be able to say "I knew them back when..." insert platitude. There can be no greater accomplishment for a music aficionado.
Here's a little gem from the Tokyo Police Club tour EP. I don't know if this has been previously available in Blogdom, nor do I particularly care at this point. proper research would have taken the time I was willing to spend on this post, here at 5:23 am.
I hope you enjoy, I'll try and be more regular about this, sorry.
The band is Tokyo Police Club, the track is A Lesson in Crime (unreleased) from their Tour EP.
Tokyo_Police_Club - A Lesson in Crime(unreleased_TourEP)