Friday, November 24, 2006

I knit my own cape

Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends! This is the weekend where they eat turkey (which, I hear, the pilgrims probably didn’t do), watch some really good football games and give thanks. If you travel this weekend, you Americans, please travel responsibly.

I have but one offering this morning. I have this hilarious thing I do (which SOME people think is juvenile) which is, when I like a song and its nearing the end in iTunes, I scream REEEMIX! and restart it.

I like this song because its innocent and heartfelt and the emotions are just a little too strong for Miss Grimm to remain cool throughout it. She sings a bit too hard once in a while and I think the recording quality is a bit rough, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I think I’m in love with this because Miss Grimm reminds me of a girl I used to see. You know these people you know who are so earnest and nerdy that whenever you’re around them you catch yourself trying too hard to act cool?

The song is The Little Weeper by Larkin Grimm from the album, The Last Tree.

>>> Little Weeper - Larkin Grimm

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hot and sunny to cold and rainy

Hey y'all.

Don't tell any of the super-baddies, but I'm all under the weather today. I was in South Africa fighting the worst criminals on the continent and am now all messed up from jet-lag on the return. Y'see, I could just take the supersonic Batplane to other continents (and do often), but when I'm gone for an extended trip like the last one, don't you think that it must mean that Bruce Wayne also has to be there? Right.

Now, how do you suppose Bruce Wayne would come to find himself in South Africa? He can't very well take the Batplane (thus avoiding jetlag), can he? People would notice.

Right. People would notice and probably ask him things like "When's your flight?" and "Can I give you a lift to the airport, Bruce?" (because people like Bruce. He's handsome and people like to do nice things for him because he's rich and may give presents like Mercedeez Benz'z and shit) So when I need to go to South Africa or whatever, Bruce Wayne needs to have a reason to be there for a similar length of time and he needs to fly by conventional modes (Awesomely, it doesn't apply in reverse. If Batman shows up, nobody cares how he got there or wants to give him a lift to the airpot. They just straight assume he's got the batplane stashed behind Victoria Falls or something). So today both Bruce Wayne and I are tired and a bit ill.

I spent the day learning how bitTorrents work, because I'm super technological and finally got my leather gloves on that Neil Young album I mentioned lo these many posts ago.

The track is Like an Inca, by Neil Young from the album, Trans. Bizzaow!

>>>Neil Young - Like an Inca

Dracula is around. He's here, but he's working all hard these days. I mean, he's burning the noon-time oil. For my man, I got some Nappy Roots from the album, Wooden Leather, the song is Sick & Tired. By the by, the Nappies have a new album due out any day now called 'The Humdinger'.

>>>Nappy Roots - Sick & Tired

Get that music.