Wednesday, May 24, 2006

disaster & devastation...

okay, well this would ideally have been a guest post. and it looks as though we will be featuring some soon-like. however at times you get a recommendation that well just sticks with you. This added to the fact that i just saw these guys at a cd-launch with no new cd, that i seriously rank quite highly on my top concerts of the year so far.

the band is the besnard lakes, and the song is the title of the post: disaster.

if my friend M, would have guest posted she may have drawn connections to brian wilson in some of the harmonics and vocal phrasings, and yes, it has that feel, but it isn't 3-part harmonies.

she claimed that this is one of her daily listens, and well aside from being incredible live, it has been one of mine ever since the show... that and 2 other of her daily listens, so i guess they may get posted here next, as a kind of guest-posting by proxy.

actually, having the 4-song e.p. dark horse transmissions playing right now as i type this, i think i may do a little creative editing, and change the title of the post, and add the second track too.

it is devastation.

they go hand in hand, as their titles suggest, disaster and devastation. with titles like these you may be expecting some goth, i-love-death-and-wear-all-black-music, but no, they actually make the songs uplifting, and celebratory, there's a chorus of female vocals, and some definitely stick-in-your-head melodies.

give a listen, and then please do yourself a favour and go buy their albums.






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